This WP responds to the need to develop a complete project management plan. The Steering Committee, composed of the Local Coordinators of the partner institutions, will manage and coordinate the project progress. The general management structure of the PATHBIO project comprises the following components:
• The Project Coordinator will be in charge of the administrative and financial management and contact with the European Commission.
• The Project Manager will assist the Project Coordinator in completing his duties
• Technical staff from the Universities will help the Consortium in the administrative decisions.
• WP Leaders will be the day-to-day managers of the activities undertaken within the corresponding individual WPs.
• The Steering Committee will be the ultimate management and decision making body of PATHBIO. Each voting member of the Steering Committee will have one vote. The Steering Committee will make decisions on the basis of a simple majority of the members’ present o represented.
• The Steering Committee will be the Internal Monitoring Committee in charge of defining the quality assurance procedures.
• The Advisory Board will be the external advisory body for PATHBIO and will include experts in mouse functional genomics, mouse pathobiology, and the application of pathology in biopharmaceutical research and development.
Four face-to-face meetings are planned during the project, all other meetings will be implemented by teleconferences or web based collaborative tools that will be developed by the project.
• Monitoring of the project WPs, time lines, milestoes and project deliverables.
• Financial Management
• Design of joint decisions regarding the following issues:
- Detailed task description and assignment
- Design the Master curriculum
- The PATHBIO Summer Course programme
- Admission/selection criteria and administrative procedures - Programme of quality assurance procedures
- Master outreach and promotion plan
• Reporting to the European Commission
• Organizing meetings